Champ Show Gallery photos Click below for full size image
BIS BCC Sh Ch Gemsett Ice Cold in Alex at Mariglen JW - RBIS DCC - Tattersett Golden Sunrise
RDCC Sh Ch Hartsett Flash Dance - BPIS BPB - Sharnyx Springtime at Daraquist
BVIS - Sh Ch Rachdale Elegance JW
BSBIS - Caleydene Comet
RBCC - Sh Ch/Ned Ch Vanquish Opportunity (Imp NLD)
BIS BCC Sh Ch Goldbirch Wings of Desire JW ShCM ShCEx - RBIS DCC Sh Ch Quensha Cowboys & Angels
BPIS Marwessett Ysobel Enigma at Cornsett - BVIS Sh Ch Rachdale Elegance JW
BCC Sh Ch Goldbirch Wings of Desire JW ShCM ShCEx - RBCC Sh Ch Tattersett Cool Roxy at Fishwick
BIS BCC OB Sh Ch Goldbirch Wings of Desire JW ShCM
RBCC Sh Ch Tattersett Cool Roxy at Fishwick
BPIS MPB Marwessett Ysobel Enigma at Cornsett
MPD Severnsett Gold Sovereign
GD Tattersett Golden Sunrise
PGD Sharnyx River Flow
PB NB Kanietter Sabonette
VB Sh Ch Rachdale Elegance
JB Moorbrook Owdidthatappen
PGB Chanina Golden Rose JW
MLB Alolfrana Sugar ‘N’ Spice at Lynwood JW
Pat Mellish Memorial Open Class Walshaw Brushstrokes